Monday, July 7, 2008

Update on Family Project - part 2

We are close to the deadline and there are problems.

Panels one and two completed and joined using a crochet technique. The third panel I finished up to the last six rows of knit. My husband decided that this is where he will put in his touch of love. David is a new knitter. He received tips from Meg Downey on how to hone his skill in using the continental style of holding the hands. Still waiting on this strip to be completed. I am impressed with how quickly David is learning the knitting stitch and how involved with our family project.

Panel number four, Megan's column. She was doing great until she reached the last square, the Spider Web. Meg has knitted this pattern and does very well, yet when she was in the last three inches, she messed up. She was ill with fever and could not figure which row she was on and recognized that she had made mistakes which deemed it unlikely she would be able to recover the pattern when she would be well.

Meg handed the fourth column to me and I couldn't figure out which row she was on or the mistakes made. Sooooooooooooooooo.....................I ripped it out.

Now I was down to the fourth square in the fourth panel, the square nobody likes, the square that sticks out like a sore thumb. Don't get me wrong, Megan did a fantastic job in knitting the pattern, but IT was the only block in the whole afghan that was made with muticolord yarn.

Down at the yarn shop, the knitters are kind and generous in their praise for this beautiful work, yet each one would ask about That Multicolored Block and nobody likes it.

Mistakes and ripping out offer possibilities for better design choices. I'm choosing this opportunity to have one square in pink, our bride-to-be's favorite color and I will use the pink to crochet around the the finished afghan. Oh, will we get there in time?

This brings us to the fifth panel being knitted by Paula, our daughter. Busy, stressed, and not being able to pick it up for a few days, I offered to finish her last square. Why did I do that? Although I worked on it, I put it down to attend to the fourth column.
Maybe, I will be able to have Paula pick up her panel and finish it, that would be a great help.
My friends at the yarn store will pitch in and help me - I will ask that they weave in the ends and help with joining the panels. They have already said they will help with the blocking.
The time crunch, will we be able finish the gift this week and ship it off to Cleveland? The wedding is on July 19th.
Wish us well.

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